This program takes two complex numbers as input and shows the sum and difference of the two complex numbers as output.
#include<iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; class complex { int a,b,c,d; public: void getdata(); void display(); void sum(); }; int main() { complex c1; c1.getdata(); c1.display(); c1.sum(); } void complex::getdata() { cout<<"Enter the real and imaginary part of 1st complex number."<<endl; cin>>a>>b; cout<<"Enter the real and imaginary part of 2nd complex number."<<endl; cin>>c>>d; } void complex::display() { cout<<"1st Complex Number is "<<a<<" + "<<b<<"i"<<endl; cout<<"2nd Complex Number is "<<c<<" + "<<d<<"i"<<endl; } void complex::sum() { cout<<"The sum of the complex numbers is "<<a+c<<" + "<<b+d<<"i"; }
The code has been tested with codeblocks gcc compiler.